Ethereal Elegance: Porcelain Vases of the Imperial Qing—The Huaihaitang Collection

Author: Peter Lam

Publisher: Art Museum The Chinese University of Hong Kong

USD $67.00

This book presenting porcelain vases and bottles of the Imperial Qing is the first of its kind and offers great opportunities for academic study and appreciation by the scholars, collectors and laymen. This scholarly catalogue is made possible with the full support of the Master of the Huaihaitang, Mr. Anthony K.W. Cheung.

This collection exhibits Qing imperial porcelain vases modelled on pre-Song design, Song styles, vases modelled on Ming ware, vase styles introduced in the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong reigns of the high Qing period, vases with animal design, vases with plant design and others.

Hardcover, text in English and Chinese, 399 pages, colour, 25.4cm x 33.4cm, published in 2007

ISBN: 9789627101840



Ceramic outputs from the Imperial Porcelain Factory at Jingdezhen of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) have long been admired for their sumptuous decorative style and superb firing techniques. This exhibition is a testimony of this—through a comprehensive display of porcelain vases of a wide range of shapes, decorative techniques and glaze effects. All exhibits are drawn from the renowned Huaihaitang collection of Mr Anthony K. W. Cheung.