Pocket Treasures: Snuff Boxes from Past Times
Author: Jorge Welsh (ed.)
Publisher: Jorge Welsh Research and Publishing
USD $187.00
A collection of over 60 pieces made of Chinese porcelain and enamelled copper forms the foundation for a study of these portable containers for powdered tobacco in Pocket Treasures: Snuff Boxes from Past Times. Snuff boxes were made in Europe in a variety of materials from at least the 17th century and were later commissioned by private individuals and merchants of the European trading companies in China. As fashionable symbols of status, boxes of this type had their use highly codified by the late 17th century.
This exhibition catalogue illustrates enamelled copper and porcelain boxes dating to the 18th and 19th centuries, and an introductory essay includes details of how snuff boxes emerged in Europe and China, comparative works and a history of snuff consumption in the West.
Hardcover (without dust jacket), English text, colour, 23.5 x 29.7 cm, published in 2019
ISBN: 9780993506864